So, i have very much been neglecting my blog this term. Very naughty i know but that is not to say I haven't been busy. I have been working with 'Fortune St' a London based Graphics company, working on a new iMax cinema project. However it's all very hush hush and i have been told I am not allowed to post up any of the work that I have done for them until the project goes public (patents,copyright and all that lovely tediousness).
On the other side I have been working on a couple of projects.
One is working with some 3rd years on one of their projects called beneath the boughs which you can follow on this link as well as my own blog:
I have been asked to do some foley artistry which I have been working on today. Need to touch up the sounds before i upload them on to here however. I am also supposed to be doing some 2d compositing but so far haven't been given any footage to work with that.
We wer also given a cinematography project to do with Frankie. I joined a group aiming to do a 1920's style silent comedy. For this project I was Ass. Cameraman and prop/costume designer. Providing the outfit for our damsel in distress, and creating a painting that could break apart without too much injury. The results were very good (if i do say so myself)
Finally, I have been working on a post production project with two other 2nd year students. So far we have gotten as far as shooting our footage which unfortunately is waaaay too big for me to easily upload. The next stage will be getting on to some rotoscoping and trying to create a realistic blood-spurt. Will hopefully have some more regular updates to show soon.